Everything You Need to Know About ‘Front End Development’


Maybe you’ve heard of Front End Development if you’re just starting out in the world of computer programming. What does that even mean, though? This article will define Front End Development, outline the necessary abilities for becoming a Front End Developer, and provide advice on how to find work in this field.

A front end web developer is responsible for everything you see on a website, from the layout to the buttons, links, and animations. The front-end developer’s responsibility is to translate the client’s goals and design into working code.

What Is a Front-End Developer?

The process of creating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly is known as front-end web development, or client-side development.

The difficulty of front end development lies in the fact that the developer must remain abreast of the ever-evolving field because the tools and techniques used to build the front end of a website are always subject to change.

When a visitor visits your site, you want the content they find to be immediately useful and easy on the eyes. The fact that today’s users access the web from a wide range of devices, each with its own unique screen size and resolution, only adds another layer of complexity for the designer.

Careful preparation on the part of the developer is required to guarantee that the site displays appropriately across a wide range of browsers (cross-browser), operating systems (cross-platform), and devices (cross-device).

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What Skills Do You Need to Become a Front End Developer?

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three most important languages for web development. Frameworks, libraries, and other tools can then be prioritized.


HyperText Markup Language is the acronym for HTML. HTML renders the page’s elements, such as links, buttons, headings, paragraphs, and lists. The usage of HTML for aesthetic purposes is discouraged. CSS is designed for just such a purpose. To get started, I recommend checking out the freeCodeCamp HTML challenges.


Cascading Style Sheets is an acronym commonly used in the web development industry. The appearance of your website, including its colors, layouts, and animations, is all handled by CSS. Making sure your websites are accessible means they can be used by everyone.

Avoid making websites that people who rely on screen readers or other forms of accessibility software can’t use. Upon finishing the training, you will have the fundamentals necessary to create simple websites.


Users can participate in the website through the use of JavaScript. The freeCodeCamp homepage, like many others online, features JavaScript examples. When I hover over the Menu button at the top of the page, for instance, a submenu of choices appears.

By repeatedly clicking that button, I can open and close the Menu with ease. Games, websites, mobile apps, and more can all benefit from using JavaScript.

CSS Preprocessors, Frameworks, and Libraries

You can begin utilizing other frameworks and libraries once you have mastered the fundamentals of CSS. The development process can be sped up with the use of these tools, which are why they were made.

This leads to designs that look great on every device and are built by pros. There are a lot of choices out there, but you don’t have to become an expert in all of them. Examining local job postings might give you insight on the types of technology currently in use in the field.

Testing and Debugging Skills

There will be bugs in your code that need to be fixed as you build out your program. The process of tracking down and repairing such flaws (or “bugs”) is known as debugging. Learning how to test thoroughly is also crucial. It is possible to verify that your code is functioning as intended through the use of tests.

Version Control

With version control, you may monitor and control any modifications made to the project’s source code. For keeping track of changes to your code, Git is a common choice.

Instead of starting from scratch if you make a lot of mistakes in your code, you can use Git to revert to a previous version. By using Git, you may work on a team and share a same code base while physically located in different rooms.

Problem Solving

Knowledge of how to address problems effectively is essential for any developer. Businesses and customers want you to help them solve their problems. Understanding how to approach a problem, segment it into more manageable chunks, and then debug it in these web apps is crucial.

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A front end developer (sometimes called a front end web developer) is a specialist in creating user interfaces. Having this interface is necessary for the users to utilize the software.

A web designer is a specialist who is responsible for the visual style and layout of a website. The front end developer is responsible for ensuring the design is functional in an online environment utilizing markup languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


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